Dec 13, 2012

Elf for Health

I signed up for Elf for Health.  Every two weeks, we are paired up with an elf to encourage you, share tips, and recipes.  I've been lucky with my two elves - Lyndi and Gretchen. 

There are also daily challenges.  This week's challenges have been to drink enough water, clean your pantry or fridge or both, eat at least 3 servings of veggies before 2 pm, pay it forward, workout with a friend, and donate to a local charity.

I will be the first to admit that I don't drink enough water.  When I was pregnant with the Wee One, I had a lot of problems because I was not hydrated.
A few years ago, I gave up pop (soda) for over a year.  I then started to drink pop again.  So a lot of my drinks were pop instead of water.
On Monday when I drink the water challenge, I was up for the challenge.  I ended up drinking around 80 ounces of water or black coffee!  I've continued to drink at least 64 ounces of water.  Today I drank 84 ounces of water or coffee.  I had a Cub Scouts' Christmas party.  I brought a glass of water with strawberries in it.  The strawberries were to flavor the water. 

Tuesday's challenge was to clean out my pantry or fridge.  I have one shelf in the pantry that was just awful.  I cleaned that up.  I'm planning to clean up the rest of the shelves in the pantry but I'm doing it in stages.

Wednesday's challenge was to eat as many veggies as possible.  I cooked an egg scramble with wilted spinach, mushrooms, and onions.  I had it on 10 grain bread with 5g of fiber per slice of bread.  (I had 2 slices.)  I also topped it with a slice of thin cut Swiss cheese.  It was delicious.
For lunch, I had cream of broccoli soup and celery sticks.
We ate out for dinner.  Even though I had turkey and dressing with the option of mashed potatoes, I opted for green beans instead of the potatoes.  I also had a salad with my dinner.  I think I did pretty well with the challenge.

Today's challenge was to pay it forward.  Last week when I had my chiropractor appointment, I took my chiropractor a coffee.  Everytime I come in, he says something about my coffee I bring or the fact I don't have a coffee with me.  So I stopped at Starbuck's and got him a coffee.  It was a super busy day in his office so it was a nice treat for him.
Today I also got my elf from round 1 and my current elf e-cards to Starbucks so they can treat themselves.

Some positives about this whole process:

  1. I have lost a least a couple of pounds.

  2. It was easy for me to get my wedding ring off so my husband can get it cleaned.  (I usually struggle to get it off.)

  3. I'm trying new foods.  :)


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